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Clover Creations is a Website Development company.  Our websites are affordable and user friendly.  We provide professional, attractive websites to businesses and individuals alike.  We do all that is necessary to bring your site to live status, and keep it that way.  Clover Creations will create a professional, affordable site, for the individual or business, that will make the owner proud. We do one or all of the following;

1. Website design
2. Site redesign
3. Website construction
4. Design consultation
5. Goal analysis
6. Search Engine Optimization
7. Social Media Optimization
8. Online Marketing
9. Content analysis
10. Word Smithing
11. Website maintenance

No site is too large, or too small. Call us for your free estimate today.

Many businesses just starting out ask themselves "Why do I need a website?".  If  you have access to all the clients that you can handle all the time, then I guess you don't need a website.  But very few business people can honestly say that they cannot handle any more clients.  We know that has never been the case for us. A website will give you access to clients that you didn't even know existed, and they will never know about you either unless you become visible and accessible on the Internet.
Give us a call at (905)-853-0468 or e-mail us for a no obligation estimate on your future website.  The world is waiting to hear about you and your business.  Ask about our "community" websites as an alternative to a private site.  These sites are less expensive and may very well suit your needs. Remember:  Your site does not have to be big and fancy to be effective.  In fact sometimes smaller is better.


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